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Bea McMahon


The props include an approximation of a sheep and an approximation of a stage.
There are three actors, one person, one artist, one dog and one dead actor.
The person is a man of steel with a soul as clear as crystal.
There has been a loss. A loss of earnings or perhaps a loss of life.
Liturgy                        Loop               Repeat             Bite in ass
The actors are taken out by their ears. The dog is the witness. The judge is language.
The judge can’t hear.
The guy at at the table is a dog.
And a dog bites.

This work was made possible with support fromVia Farini/DOCVA, Milano and Mondriaan Fonds


Bea McMahon’s recent projects include performances at the XII Baltic Triennial, Vilnius; Bob’s your Uncle, Kunstverein, Amsterdam; W139, Amsterdam; Irish Museum of Modern Art; Via Farini, Milano and Evil under the Sun, Volcano Extravaganza, Stromboli; solo exhibitions BOM at CCA Derry (UK) 2015 and Cover at Salzburg Kunstverein 2014. Other exhibitions include A Modern Panarion; glimpses of the Occult, Hugh Lane City Gallery, Dublin 2014; In the House of Mr and Mrs X, Temporary Gallery, Köln, 2013. She edits a zine+performance, SIC Intertrashional, every equinox or solstice, is a composer and performer with the franchise Dina from Egypt and lives and works in Amsterdam. She has done residencies at ACC Gwangju, Korea, Flattime House, London, The Mattress Factory, Pittsburg and the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam.

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